How to open a brand hotel? Hotel Brand Integration
For all projects, we provide consultancy services to those who want to open a hotel in order to provide the most suitable conditions during the management and/or franchise negotiations with local or international hotel brands.
The steps you need to follow in the process of Hotel Brand Integration;
- Contacting local and foreign operators or hotel brands that give naming rights for the operation of the hotel, designing agreement models.
- Requesting proposals on business and naming rights in accordance with international norms and peers and preparation of a letter of goodwill
- Signing a final contract with a hotel group as a result of negotiations and negotiations, together with the agreement models designed by the person who wants to open a hotel.
- Examining and finalizing the legal regulations included in the agreement together with the legal advisor of the investor
- In case of a franchise agreement;
- My hotel consultancy can provide consultancy services on preparing the hotel for the opening process.
These services are;
- Establishment of the hotel team
- Planning and creation of operating systems
- Determining the initial budget of the hotel
- Preparation of job descriptions and all procedures,
- It includes studies such as designing sales and marketing operations.
Why should I collaborate with a brand?
Strong brands have a strong reservation system, a high percentage of direct bookings, and a successful, global loyalty program. Better brands offer a revenue management program that emphasizes pricing and smart positioning strategies, a hotel operating system, and a preferred OTA agreement that benefits the franchise.